
Impressed by this picture? Me too, when first I looked at this ancient lighthouse in Norway, dating back to Viking period: it worked by burned wood to make ancient sailors aware of the port!
It is the symbol I have chosen for my website to invite you to think about.
I know, a web page does not work in this way, but to one grown with written pages, like me, it hard to think differently: a written word is a stimulus, means a value to make you to proceed ahead. Internet is a marketplace where you meet people to give and share opinions or ask an advice. 
My name is Costantino Iannacone and I have always dealt with marketing and communication, but even with audio-visual media and Internet. Let's speak about it! 
If you are interested in editorial marketing, market or advertising, media and marketing researches we can probably help you. We can share information or give you advice in focusing target and methodologies.
We will be happy to give our contribution.Our long experience permits us to offer ad hoc counseling and services. 

To contact us:
Studio Emmedue
Via F.lli Cervi - Res. Spiga - 20090 Segrate (MI)
Phone: +39 333 5792905
Fax: +39 2 26414228

E-mail: costantino@iannacone.org


Studio Emmedue
Iannacone's Corner